I just got back from a one week cruise to the Cayman Islands and Jamaica. It was a whirlwind of a week, and I am sure glad that I went. It was a time to see how other islands in the Caribbean function and to see how Haiti could possibly one day too be a tourist destination. We stayed for a couple of days in a rented condo unit. I wasn't prepared to be staying on the 17th floor and was worried about possible earthquakes but the whole neighborhood was surrounded by high buildings :)

My mother loves to sit outside in the sun and the apartment balcony had a view of the harbor below.

Michelle's best friend Lisa came too. We all got along and had a lot of fun. Michelle and Lisa are both nurses who work in the cancer unit. Michelle recently got diagnosed with colon cancer that also had some cancer areas on her liver. She will be starting chemo treatments this coming week and last week was a time for fun and relaxation. Lisa will be giving Michelle the chemo. Pray for Michelle, that the chemo will eradicate the cancer from her body.

I wonder if Port-au-Prince will construct skyscrapers to cope with a growing population. I wonder too how many Haitians would feel comfortable living one after going through an earthquake.

It was amazing to see the many different designed buildings along the coast.
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