Thursday, March 3, 2011

photos - hydrocephalus - part 5

The cat scan technician gave the children a medicine to make them sleep. Some babies took longer than others to fall asleep. This is definitely not a sleepy child!

Sarafina and her mother never showed up for the assessments. She called the evening before the children were supposed to be admitted to the hospital to say that she had no money for a tap-tap to go from the refuge camp in Corrail to Port-au-Prince. I was kind of disappointed in that this camp has many large NGO's like World Vision, Plan, UN, Save the Children, Unicef and not one of them would drive her into town. We raced out there early the next day to pick her up.

Her tent is starting to rip. There are temporary homes being built in Corrail and some of the tents have to be moved to another site in the camp. Sarafina's mother asked the women tent neighbors to keep an eye on her tent and to help her brother in shifting the tent over.

Sarafina's mother has almost nothing. She doesn't even have a bed, but her mother doesn't complain. The father was killed during the earthquake. They are from the Fort National area and after the earthquake set up in the Champ Mars area. World Vision transferred Sarafina and her mother from the difficult living conditions in the Champ Mars area to Camp Corrail.

The mother got Sarafina ready and we headed over to the hospital hoping that Sarafina would get added to the surgical list.

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