Yesterday we made 3 trips to the World Food Programme depot on Delmas 2 to pick up 105 bags of rice (2,625kg). We give the Lord thanks for this blessing to help the haitian people.

There was good security within the depot compound. The Brazilians had a tank in place.

They were there to provide security for all the food that is stored here for the humanitarian aid efforts of the World Food Program here in Port-au-Prince.

Life is returning to "normal" here in Port-au-Prince. This painting seller is once again hanging his paintings on the St. Louis fence hoping for a sale. What is different is that refugees within the St. Louis de Gonzague compound are hanging clothes on the fence to dry. Before the earthquake this vendor did not have competition for "fence space".

We give the Lord thanks that Rudy Clauderre traveled to Baptist Hospital in Florida by way of a military medical evacuation early this evening. Things were organized very quickly and an open door is now in place for Rudy to get cancer treatment. The doctors say he has Burkitts Lymphoma which is a non-hodgkins lymphoma. Pray for Rudy and the medical staff who will be treating him in Florida. He made a lot of friends at the University of Miami/Project Medishare field hospital.
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