Saturday, October 1, 2011

photos - pastor seminar - part 1

Pastor Pierre who has a couple of churches in the Kenscoff area has been working with me over the years doing evangelism and helping to equip other pastors that he meets. We started distributing the Heidelberg Catechism in creole to people who were interested and out of these contacts he has a list of at least 125 pastors who are interested in learning more about the reformed faith. Pastor Pierre is the man standing in this photo. He came to introduce 3 members of his church committee to Len Harsevoort and Dan Vis who are visiting from Canada.
We had dinner at the Coconut Villa yesterday evening with Howard and Ruth Van Dam who are with Sous Espwa/ Christian Reformed World Missions. They invited Pastor Pierre and 7 other pastors to participate in a seminar being held at their Ministry Centre in the Tabarre area. This is the sign on the top of the Ministry Centre building.
Kimosabee was full! The radiator is still not fixed and we made it there to the ministry center but Kimosabee overheated and stalled just before we got home. Pray we can get a working radiator. We are sort of stuck right now in traveling.
The group of pastors that we brought arrived were early and had the opportunity to talk with the leaders of the seminar for that day.
They hold regular programs during the year on different themes. The seminar for that day was on working with people at risk and how to reach out to them with the gospel. The idea is to build community between the churches and the community at large.

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