Friday, August 13, 2010

photos - various - part 6

The rubble from the Providence Guest House in our neighborhood has been cleaned out. The basement is intact. I don't know if they will rebuild using the same base.

Hopital Trinite, located on Delmas 19 used to be used by Medecins Sans Frontieres as their trauma hospital. The rubble is being thrown rock by rock into the dump trucks by this government work team.

We have been getting rain every day, usually in the late afternoon or evening. Some roads are messy and destroyed by the rains. This scraper was working on the Santo road. It is good to see work being done even if it is only a bit at a time.

Fonise's father returned back to Haiti a few weeks ago. He was the first person that we tried to help the night of the earthquake. A falling wall amputated his foot and we drove all over the place trying to find help. We brought him to the Missionaries of Charity and he was then sent to the UN Hospital and from there flown to Martinique. He survived!

He received good treatment in Martinique and now wears a prosthetic foot. He walks again! Praise the Lord for His healing mercies.

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