Sunday, March 22, 2009

photos - cite soleil clinic - dr. ed - part 2

Willy is part of Action Chretienne Pour le Developpement. He is organizing the seating of the patients. Pastor Enoch is the director of the organization. He is the pastor of the Maranatha church.

Haitian translators helped the doctors communicate with the people.

Here are a couple of the consultation tables at the front of the church.

The pharmacy was kept busy throughout the day.

This man is not enjoying his anesthetic needle!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Hi Karen,
I am 1 of those medical providers who was there last Thursday. Thannk you for your kind words. It was a priviledge for me to be in Haiti last week. It was very humbling in many ways. I cannot express my gratitude sufficiently enough. We were treated with such kindness, sincerely thanked, and received so many individual blessings for doing so little. God bless you & all you do .... I know I will return