Now that the thieves have stolen 5 solar panels and broken one everybody scrambled to remove the rest of the solar panels. They are now hidden inside my room. Hopefully they will stay there until we can improve our security.
Our neighbors are not the best. There are some squatters living in a couple of properties behind us. They conveniently left a hole in the wall of their house. It leads right to the tin roof of the briquette shelter. This is another access point to our property that needs to be fixed. I am not sure though how the neighbors would react if I came over with cement blocks and mortar to fill in this hole in their house. Pray for discernment as we try to figure out a way to get them to fill in this hole.
The other property behind our house also is occupied by squatters. You can see that the building they are living in was never finished and abandoned by the previous owners. I believe that these people are responsible for eating our cats.
The welders in front of our house have not been the most accommodating. We kept asking them not to keep their steel against the wall as people can use the material to climb over the wall. Finally the morning after we lost our solar panel we had enough and dumped the material across the street. Since then the welders have been cooperating with our requests of not putting things against the wall. The front wall will soon have barbed wire on top too.
This wall is no longer a low wall. It is now the same height as the front wall of the property and has barbed wire on top. This side wall was the common access point used in all our break-ins totalling 4 in number.