We were blessed this week with a donation of Feed My Starving Children food that was distributed by Love a Child. These rice food packets are complete meals that also contain soy protein, dehydrated vegetables and spices. This means we don't have to buy rice and this food is also more nutritious too! This is Fedner unloading the pickup.
As part of the christmas donations were also 6 boxes of McDonalds toys. These are the children living here at Coram Deo (from left to right - Manu, Benson, Jacob, Sammy, Paulna). This large quantity enables us to also help the children of Willy and Joel's schools in Cite Soleil, Pastor Pierre's church and school in the mountains of Kenscoff and even Pastor Octave's school across the street enjoy a christmas gift.
The poor have a struggle to provide for their families. With the regular food donations we are able to continue to share with those in need. The young baby, Emmanuella was recently operated on in the last round of hydrocephalus surgeries. Keep the Marcellus family in prayer and that 2008 will be better for them.
Emmanuella has a post-op problem. It started out as a small pin sized black skin discoloration over the shunt. Now the skin opening has widened to this size and the shunt valve is exposed. Tomorrow she is seeing the haitian neurosurgeon who is handling the post-op care for the hydrocephalus program. Pray that things can be arranged so that he can remove the shunt quickly.